Posts tagged IRA
Roth IRA Beneficiary Options and Reporting Requirements

Although IRAs are meant to provide individuals with a source of income during retirement, many clients may want to incorporate their IRAs into their overall estate planning. In such cases, while making clear that you are not providing tax or legal advice, you may find yourself  discussing IRA beneficiary options with clients. Beneficiary options—especially for Roth IRAs—can be confusing.

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IRS Releases Final Regulations on Tax Withholding Requirements

The Internal Revenue Service recently released Treasury Decision (TD) 10008, which provides guidance on income tax withholding requirements for certain periodic payments and nonperiodic distributions from deferred compensation plans, individual retirement arrangements (IRAs), and commercial annuities.

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Understanding HSA Beneficiary Options

Financial organizations are responsible for paying out HSA assets to beneficiaries after an HSA owner’s death and properly reporting these distributions to the IRS, so your role as an HSA administrator is important. And because HSA beneficiary options differ from IRA and employer plan beneficiary options, it’s a good idea to familiarize yourself with the options and distribution process.

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More Changes for RMDs

In 2019, the SECURE Act made several changes to the rules for retirement plans and IRAs, including raising the applicable RMD age from 70½ to 72. In 2022, the IRS released proposed regulations that revised long-standing RMD rules and provided guidance on certain SECURE Act provisions. Congress also passed the SECURE 2.0 Act, which increased the applicable RMD age again from age 72 to age 73 in 2023, and then to age 75 in 2033 (or the year of retirement, if later, for certain plan participants who are not five percent owners).

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