Posts tagged Reporting
Roth IRA Beneficiary Options and Reporting Requirements

Although IRAs are meant to provide individuals with a source of income during retirement, many clients may want to incorporate their IRAs into their overall estate planning. In such cases, while making clear that you are not providing tax or legal advice, you may find yourself  discussing IRA beneficiary options with clients. Beneficiary options—especially for Roth IRAs—can be confusing.

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Reduce Form 5498 Reporting Errors with this Simple Step

As you’re preparing to send your Form 5498 files to your vendor for printing, you’ve probably caught some reporting errors as you audit the files. But mistakes happen. And those errors that inevitably slip through are likely those that keep you up at night. It’s not fun getting a phone call or visits from upset clients after they received an incorrect Form 5498.  

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Is Your Organization on Track to Meet These IRA, HSA, and Coverdell ESA Deadlines?

It's a brand-new year filled with fresh reporting deadlines, and perhaps a good time to take note on whether your financial organization is on track to meet these obligations—or to refresh your memory on when specific deadlines occur. First quarter is always a busy reporting season.

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IRA Compliance — Are You Prepared for an IRS Audit?

Compliance is a critical concern for financial organizations that serve as IRA trustees, custodians, and issuers—and for good reason. IRS penalties for noncompliance and violation of IRA rules can be costly. If the IRS finds compliance issues with your IRA program, it could lead to further scrutiny of your organization.

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Now is the Perfect Time to Review Your Record Retention Procedures

Summer is typically a slower part of the year for most financial organizations, so organizations often use this “downtime” to review their operational policies and procedures. During this time of the year, our consultants on the Ascensus 800 Consulting Lines receive frequent calls about IRA record retention—including “How long should our financial organization keep IRA documents?”

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Employer-Sponsored Retirement Plan Rollovers: What Are My Client’s Options?

When individuals retire or leave their employer, they must decide what to do with the accumulated savings in their retirement plan. Typically, they will roll over the assets to another qualified retirement plan or an IRA in order to keep the assets in a tax-deferred account. If they decide to withdraw the assets, they may end up having to include the distribution amount in their taxable income for the year.

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