Posts tagged IRS
The 10-Year Rule is Here to Stay

The SECURE Act—officially known as the Setting Every Community Up for Retirement Enhancement Act of 2019—made significant changes to IRA and retirement plan rules, including to the beneficiary payout options. One of the most noteworthy changes involves the 10-year rule, which requires a total distribution of inherited assets by December 31 of the year containing the 10th anniversary of the account owner’s death.

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RMD Regulations’ Year-of-Death Rules Yield Both Answers and Questions

IRS final required minimum distribution (RMD) regulations were published on July 19, 2024, more than four years after enactment of relevant statutory changes in the SECURE Act of 2019. Especially noteworthy are provisions affecting those who inherit an IRA whose owner had not yet satisfied the RMD for the year in which they died. Ironically, these provisions have the potential to both simplify and to complicate the process by which beneficiaries meet year-of-death RMD obligations.

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IRS Releases Final Regulations on Tax Withholding Requirements

The Internal Revenue Service recently released Treasury Decision (TD) 10008, which provides guidance on income tax withholding requirements for certain periodic payments and nonperiodic distributions from deferred compensation plans, individual retirement arrangements (IRAs), and commercial annuities.

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More Changes for RMDs

In 2019, the SECURE Act made several changes to the rules for retirement plans and IRAs, including raising the applicable RMD age from 70½ to 72. In 2022, the IRS released proposed regulations that revised long-standing RMD rules and provided guidance on certain SECURE Act provisions. Congress also passed the SECURE 2.0 Act, which increased the applicable RMD age again from age 72 to age 73 in 2023, and then to age 75 in 2033 (or the year of retirement, if later, for certain plan participants who are not five percent owners).

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New RMD Rule Could Affect Spouse Beneficiaries, Hypothetically

The new RMD regulations are not without at least one limitation for spouse beneficiaries, in the form of the “hypothetical RMD.” This could affect a spouse beneficiary who inherits an IRA or qualified retirement plan account before the deceased’s RMDs are required to begin—generally age 73—and who elects the new 10-year beneficiary payout rule in order to delay the onset of required distributions.

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DOL Releases Final Investment Advice Fiduciary Rule

The Department of Labor (DOL) recently released a regulatory package that includes a final amendment (the Retirement Security Rule) to the regulations that define what constitutes an investment advice fiduciary under the Employee Retirement Income Security Act of 1974 (ERISA) Title I and Title II (codified in the Internal Revenue Code).

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