Posts tagged Transfer
The 10-Year Rule is Here to Stay

The SECURE Act—officially known as the Setting Every Community Up for Retirement Enhancement Act of 2019—made significant changes to IRA and retirement plan rules, including to the beneficiary payout options. One of the most noteworthy changes involves the 10-year rule, which requires a total distribution of inherited assets by December 31 of the year containing the 10th anniversary of the account owner’s death.

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Handling Divorce Assets in Qualified Retirement Plans and IRAs: There Is a Difference

There are differences between how various retirement assets are treated in divorce. Qualified retirement plan assets can be distributed to a former spouse through a document known as a qualified domestic relations order. IRA assets subject to divorce proceedings are paid through a “transfer incident to divorce.”

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Transfers Are Nonreportable; No Such Thing as Prior-Year Conversion; 12-Month Limit Only for IRA-to-IRA Rollovers

What should your clients do if an IRA-to-IRA transfer they’ve done is reported to the IRS? Are clients allowed to do prior-year conversions? Does an IRA-to-IRA rollover after a conversion of those same assets violate the one-per-12-month rule?

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10 Questions IRA Clients May Not Ask But Want You to Answer

Are your clients making decisions about their IRAs without a basic knowledge of the IRA rules and possible consequences or opportunities that may result? Here are some IRA questions that they may not think to ask but would want you to answer.

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