One unique feature to a Coverdell Education Savings Account (ESA) is the requirement that the account terminates when the designated beneficiary reaches age 30. If you don’t stay on top of these accounts, you risk not reporting them correctly to the IRS and possibly losing contact with the designated beneficiary.
Read MoreTo assist Ascensus clients during the busy contribution and tax season, the 800 Consulting telephone lines will be open for extended hours.
Read MoreIf it’s been a while since you’ve worked with Coverdell ESAs, here’s a refresher on the rules and your responsibilities when processing ESA distributions.
Read MoreHere are answers to some of the common Coverdell ESA questions we receive from financial organizations.
Read MoreWhen it comes to saving for education, individuals have a variety of options when it comes to the type of savings plan to use. Some types of savings arrangements include tax-advantaged accounts that have certain restrictions, while other types of accounts do not provide tax benefits but offer more flexibility.
Read MoreFinancial organizations that administer IRAs, health savings accounts (HSAs), and Coverdell education savings accounts (ESA) have many reporting deadlines looming ahead in 2022. Here’s a rundown of the impending due dates in the first quarter.
Read MoreParents and grandparents tend to open and to contribute to Coverdell education savings accounts (ESAs) around the holidays and the start of the new year. If you don’t work with ESAs on a regular basis, now is the perfect time to review how to establish an ESA.
Read MoreWhat are the different roles commonly seen on a Coverdell ESA application? When can the designated beneficiary of an ESA be changed? When can the responsible individual of an ESA be changed?
Read MoreThe IRS officially extended the deadline for individuals to file their federal tax returns and make IRA, HSA, and ESA contributions with Notice 2021-21. This notice also gives financial organizations until June 30, 2021, to file and furnish Form 5498 series forms.
Read MoreFind out when it’s okay and when it’s not okay to accept prior-year contributions that are mailed to your organization or deposited through an ACH payment after the contribution deadline.
Read MoreIs your organization responsible for ensuring that family members do not contribute more than the annual contribution limit to a Coverdell ESA? Can you accept ESA contributions on the child’s 18th birthday? How are ESA contributions reported and what is the reporting deadline?
Read MoreAs a new school year begins, your organization may notice an uptick in questions from clients about distributions from Coverdell education savings accounts. Here are the answers to five of the more common questions you may hear.
Read MoreIRS Notice 2020-35 provides more deadline relief in response to the COVID-19 pandemic. Most awaited was an extension for providing the Form 5498-series information returns for IRAs, HSAs, MSAs, and Coverdell ESAs.
Read MoreIn response to the coronavirus pandemic, the IRS has extended several time-sensitive, tax-related deadlines. IRS Notices 2020-17, 2020-18, and 2020-23 address specific actions that a taxpayer or entity has until July 15, 2020, to complete.
Read MoreAs a trustee or custodian of IRAs, HSAs, or ESAs, your organization must keep track of many deadlines throughout the year. Missing a deadline can be costly. Seeing the big picture of all due dates in one calendar year with a brief description of each may be helpful.
Read MoreThe back-to-school season may be a good time to remind clients that a Coverdell ESA is an easy, affordable way for them to begin saving to help pay for education expenses—and to answer any questions they may have.
Read MoreThe Link can make administering your retirement, education, and health savings plans easier and help you grow your business. Tour The Link to learn how to find what you need—and what you may have been missing.
Read MoreHow can Coverdell ESA assets be moved? Can ESA assets be moved after the child turns age 18? Who is a qualified family member for ESA purposes?
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