Posts tagged Plan Establishment
Understanding the New Eligibility Requirements for Long-Term, Part-Time Employees

Over the past five years Congress has passed extensive legislation to encourage more people to save for their retirement. One obstacle many people face in this endeavor is not meeting eligibility requirements to participate in an employer-sponsored 401(k) plan. This hurdle is now easier to overcome for people who have worked on a part-time basis for their long-term employer.

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Safe Harbor 401(k) Basics

A safe harbor 401(k) is a specific 401(k) retirement plan design that allows sponsoring employers to avoid certain compliance testing. Many aspects of 401(k) plans are subject to compliance testing to ensure that higher paid employees and owners don’t benefit from the plan disproportionately in comparison with the rank-and-file employees. Put another way, the plan’s provisions must not unduly discriminate in favor of owners and the highly paid.

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How a Qualified Plan’s Effective Date Contributes to a Plan’s Success

With the passing of key retirement legislation in the last few years, there are many incentives for employers to adopt a qualified retirement plan that can provide meaningful benefits to employees. While there are numerous factors to consider during the establishment process, employers should consider certain effective dates that will significantly affect the success of their plan’s initial year of operation.

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Solving the Complexities of Calculating Self-Employed Retirement Plan Contributions

For self-employed individuals, determining the amount that can be contributed to a qualified plan can be daunting. It is important to understand that the compensation that can be used to calculate a retirement plan contribution is likely to be a different amount than what is reported to the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) as net earnings (profit or net business income) for tax purposes.

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Change to Plan Establishment Deadline Means More Time for a 2020 Plan

The year 2020 saw many employers hold off on starting a retirement plan. Now, as employers look to close their tax year, the goal of establishing a qualified retirement plan for 2020 may be something closer to the front of their minds. Thanks to the SECURE Act, they still have time to adopt a plan.

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