Expertise You Need Now More Than Ever Is Just a Phone Call Away

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No financial organization is immune to the many changes happening right now. From the Further Consolidated Appropriations Act (FCAA) with SECURE provisions, to the current COVID-19-related guidance and mandates, you and your colleagues may be feeling overwhelmed. You likely are finding it a challenge to not only keep up with the latest rules pertaining to tax-advantaged savings plans, but to confidently and knowledgeably answer your clients’ many questions about them.

Making sense of the new rules is no easy task. It’s a lot to analyze in such a short time. No matter how the rules have changed or how well you understand them, your organization still has to follow them—or risk noncompliance, which could lead to penalties. And if you, like so many Americans, are trying to do your job remotely—removed from your typical work environment with less access to the resources that you usually rely on—you may feel like you’re on your own.

But you don’t have to go it alone. Fortunately, there are ERISA experts who know a thing or two about the new rules and can explain the changes in an easy-to-understand manner. Ascensus’ consulting services—800 Consulting and Advanced Sales Call Center—are staffed by a team of experts that includes ERISA attorneys, CPAs, and many credentialed retirement and savings plan consultants. They have extensive experience researching laws and regulations, are technically proficient, and well-equipped to intelligently discuss almost any topic related to qualified retirement plans, 403(b) plans, simplified employee pension (SEP) and SIMPLE IRA plans, Traditional and Roth IRAs, health savings accounts (HSAs), and Coverdell education savings accounts (ESAs).

The knowledge and the confidence you need during these challenging times is just a phone call away. When your organization uses an Ascensus consulting service, you receive immediate, accurate answers to your questions right over the phone, saving you and your organization valuable time by not having to research or analyze a topic or issue. So when your clients come to you with pressing questions that you’re not sure how to answer, Ascensus’ accredited, highly-qualified consultants are here for you, ready to assist with the most up-to-date information—now more than ever.

Call 800-346-3860 or email an Ascensus Sales Representative to learn more about Ascensus’ consulting services.
