Posts in HSA
How the New DOL Fiduciary Rule Applies to IRAs and HSAs

The financial industry has been hearing about the Department of Labor fiduciary (conflict-of-interest) rule for several years. These rules apply to IRAs, HSAs, and Coverdell ESAs, as well as employer-sponsored retirement plans. While some aspects will not apply until mid-2019, financial organizations should fully evaluate how the rules affect their products and services.

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Rising Health Care Costs Affect Retirement Savings—HSAs Are One Solution

Like many Americans, Gavin Smith’s employer is offering only a high deductible health plan (HDHP) next year. Having two active sons and knowing the HDHP has higher out-of-pocket amounts, he is worried about having enough money to pay the medical bills. Gavin decides to reduce the amount he saves for retirement to help free up more money for health care costs.

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